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About Us

Sarasota Choral Society

Sarasota Choral Society is a 501.c.3 not-for-profit charitable organization founded in 1944 to support choral activities of all kind. Membership is open to anyone interested in music, choral singing in particular, and we do not discriminate against any race, creed, color, or religious affiliation. Members range in age from 10 years old up to in their 80’s, and some have been members for 40 years or more. Our members come not only from the Sarasota area but quite a few drive from Tampa, St. Pete, Arcadia, North Port, Port Charlotte, and other areas as well.


Sarasota Choral Society is comprised of two arms: Sarasota Choral Society, Inc. which deals with the logistics and functions of choral performance, and The Sarasota Choral Society Foundation, Inc. which controls and disburses charitable funds and scholarships.


Currently, we perform the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah around the first Sunday in December of each year. Choral Society performances have been favorably compared to larger organizations based in major metropolitan areas and we work hard to present the highest quality production possible in every performance. The all-volunteer chorus varies in number each year but has as many as 300 voices performing on stage and the Christmas performance features a full orchestra, organ, and professional soloists.

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5317 Fruitville Road, #147, Sarasota, FL. 34232

©2022 Sarasota Choral Society

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